Classroom Environment

Student Teaching Placement

The above images were taken during our last science unit lesson which focused on severe weather. This was the final lesson in the unit and we discussed primarily hurricanes and tornados. After discussion, we made our own tornado bottles. Students were also informed on how they could be used as a calming bottle which was connected to how a tornado might be wild and then it calms down. One student stated "Whenever I am mad or sad I'm going to look at the bottle to calm myself down". All students were engaged and excited to make their own tornadoes.

The lesson plans for this unit can be found on the following lesson plan document on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023.

Week 9 Lesson Plans

The above images were taken during a mini-unit on persistence, resiliency, and innovation. The unit focused on the story The Most Magnificent Thing  by Ashley Spires. This was days 1 and 2 of the unit in which we did a story walk, read the story, discussed the sequence of events, and then discussed the character more closely. While describing the character we defined and gave character and personal examples for persistence, resiliency, and innovation. 

The lesson plans for this unit can be found on the following lesson plan document on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023.

Week 9 Lesson Plans

The above images were taken during a mini-unit on persistence, resiliency, and innovation. The unit focused on the story The Most Magnificent Thing  by Ashley Spires. This was day 3 of the unit in which we reviewed persistence, resiliency, and innovation prior to defining coping strategies. We discussed how all four (persistence, resiliency, innovation, and coping strategies) related to one another. While in small and large group settings, we described different coping strategies we had such as using our tornado bottles as calming bottles, meditation, breathing, drawing, having a hobby, and more. Then the students wrote about how they can overcome hard things by using their coping strategies and they drew a picture to match their writing. Finally, the learners went step-by-step to decorate their work with the characters from the book.

The lesson plans for this unit can be found on the following lesson plan document on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023.

Week 9 Lesson Plans

The above images were taken during a mini-unit on patience. The unit focused on the story A Little Spot of Patience  by Diane Alber. This was day 1 of the unit in which we read the book and discussed times we practice patience. We then split into three centers to practice patience and turn taking. One center was on the Active Floor Jump 'n' Learn system where students waited for a spinner to pick them to answer a question to practice patience while taking turns, the next center they put together puzzles to practice patience by waiting for the big picture, and the final center they listened to social stories on Boomcards and decided if the individual was or was not practicing patience. After students visited all centers, we discussed how we practiced patience and taking turns at each center.

The lesson plans for this unit can be found on the following lesson plan document on Monday, April 17th, 2023.

Week 13 Lesson Plans

Additional Artifacts

vodicka_ClassManagementPlan (1).docx

The above document is a classroom mangament plan that I completed during a course on classroom management and effective discipline.

Behavior Management Plan SA WLA

The above document is a positive behavior plan that I put in place during my time at Wee Little Angels Childcare Center.

Positive Behavior Support Plan.docx

The above document is a mock PBSP.

FBA Example

The above document is a mock FBA.